Executive Summary:

On January 6, 2020, Council passed Council Resolution CR4/2020 which approved construction of a sanitary sewer and private drain connections on Baseline Road from 7th Concession Road to 8th Concession Road. This was the first local improvement to be processed under a local improvement policy update passed in November of 2019 (the 2019 Policy).

Five (5) objections were received by the objection deadline under O. Reg. 586/06. An additional written objection as well as a petition signed by owners of twenty-four (24) properties on Baseline Road were received after the deadline. The majority of the objections to the project concerned the costs of paying for the sanitary sewer and private drain connections within the public right-of-way in addition to the cost of septic sewer changeover. The objections received prompted Administration to consider the impacts of the 2019 Policy on this project and to explore ways to address the objections received.

The 2019 Local Improvement Policy was reviewed and substantially amended, The proposed amended local improvement policy is attached as Schedule “A” and a detailed explanation of the changes is included in the Discussion section of this report.

Baseline Road has been identified by Administration as being a priority for construction of a sanitary sewer for the following reasons:

Administration reviewed options to address property owner concerns. The following recommendations by Administration are being offered for Council’s consideration: