The total estimated cost of the Baseline sanitary sewer project including watermain reconstruction, design and contract administration is $2,722,368 of which $779,360 is estimated to be fully recovered from the benefitting property owners and $1,337,500 will be recovered from EnWin – Water. The remaining net cost to the City is $605,508 and is proposed to be funded under the Local Improvement Sanitary Sewer Project (ID# 7159000) which is currently in a surplus position with funds available to undertake this work. Funding to homeowners for the private local improvement would come from the City’s current working capital. In essence, a loan will be provided to the homeowner, repayable in accordance with the proposed terms and conditions.

Administration recommends approval of the recommendations of this report. This will include cancellation of the local improvement approved by CR4/2020 and approval of a new Baseline Road local improvement under the new local improvement policy. The proposed local improvement policy changes and proposed local improvement process related to private infrastructure on private property will provide financial assistance to the abutting property owners to address objections raised.


Local Improvement Policy

At its meeting of November 18, 2019, Council passed Council Resolution CR554/2019, which approved updates to the Corporate Policy Library, including the policy entitled “Local Improvement Policy Consolidation” (the 2019 Policy).

The 2019 Policy, part 1.1 Sewers states where:

The abutting property owners will be assessed for:

The City will pay: