approved through a CAO report and administration is in the process of getting a subscription signed and are issuing a purchase order.

Councillor Kaschak inquires as to how the GPS data can measure the percentages of the trips on a street that are using cut through traffic. Mr. Hagan indicates that the GPS data that is obtained is from the entire trip and adds that the subscription would allow us to get the origins and destinations which would allow us to identify trips that are arriving in the area served by a local street or leading from there or cutting through the neighbourhood altogether. Mr. Hagan indicates that this is quite different from conventional counts as this indicates where the trips started or finished.

Councillor McKenzie inquires about the scope of an area that the GPS can look at. Mr. Hagan indicates that the subscription is for the entire City of Windsor plus a one-kilometre buffer around the city.

Councillor McKenzie inquires about the duration of the recordings and whether the data is recorded 24 hours a day/seven days a week over the entire city. Mr. Hagan responds that is correct; however, it is not Streetlight that records the data, the data is purchased from a number of providers, i.e. OnStar.

Councillor Holt inquires whether this is a one year pilot project. Mr. Hagan replies there are a few different aspects to this project as follows:

Mr. Hagan indicates that it is not a pilot project per se, and the Traffic Calming Policy does not dictate how Administration collects data to use for traffic calming requests. Administration is requesting that the policy be waived, specifically with regard to replacing the petition through 311 during this COVID-19 time period.

Moved by: Councillor Kaschak

Seconded by: Councillor McKenzie

Decision Number: ETPS 768

THAT, for the duration of the municipal declared state of emergency, the requirement for resident petitions in the Traffic Calming Policy BE WAIVED; and,

THAT Administration BE DIRECTED to use 311 polls in place of these petitions.

Report Number: S 64/2020

Clerk’s File: MH/13786 & ST2020