8.2. Riverside Drive at Ford Boulevard - Speed Review - Ward 6

Councillor Kaschak requests that administration review the data collected from the three day survey undertaken on Riverside Drive and Ford Boulevard and to also provide comments on the 85th percentile speed. Mr. Hagan states that the 85th percentile speed is the speed at which 85% of the vehicles travel slower and 15% of the vehicles that travel faster; this is used in engineering standards and is typically related to the design speed of the road. He adds, that administration tries to match the design speed to the 85th percentile speed by accommodating the speeds that we expect by putting measures such as traffic calming to reduce speeds to the 85th percentile speed to what we find is appropriate for the road.

Moved by: Councillor Francis
Seconded by: Councillor McKenzie

Decision Number: ETPS 769

THAT the report of the Transportation Planning Senior Engineer dated May 29, 2020 entitled “Riverside Drive at Ford Boulevard – Speed Review – Ward 6” BE RECEIVED for information. Carried.

Report Number: S 78/2020

Clerk’s File: ST2020

8.4. Revised 2021 Road Rehabilitation Program - City Wide

Councillor Francis inquires about upgrades to sewers especially where there is lead piping, and notes there are numerous projects on the list that includes the area of South Windsor, which are being deferred and asks that administration comment on the reasons for the deferral for the benefit of the residents. Dwayne Dawson, Executive Director Operations appears before the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee via video conference regarding the administrative report Revised 2021 Road Rehabilitation Program – City Wide and indicates that the reallocation of the streets for the road rehab project was necessary to work in conjunction with Enwin and provides details related to roads on the 2021 budget list and sewer works.

Councillor Francis advises that we do not want to tear up the road and replace the sewer only to tear up the road again. Mr. Dawson replies that Enwin through discussions have advised that the roads that are being moved out are not on their priority list because they have little to no lead on them at all.

Moved by: Councillor Francis
Seconded by: Councillor McKenzie