4 Other Residential Recycling Programs

4.1 White Goods

Since 1991, white goods, such as fridges, stoves, air conditioners, washers, dryers, freezers dishwashers, etc. have been restricted from landfill disposal. In 2019, curbside collection of white goods from County municipalities captured 1,738 white good units (approximately 156 tonnes).

While the City of Windsor did not operate a white goods collection program during 2019 there were also 193 tonnes of white goods delivered to the Public Drop Off Depots for a combined total of approximately 349 tonnes. Using the Resource Productivity & Recovery Authority (RPRA) Municipal Datacall residual percentage of 20%, approximately 279 tonnes of white goods were recycled and diverted. Table 8 details the white goods collection program for each of the municipalities in the County of Essex by month during 2019.

Table 7: Summary of White Goods Diversion for 2019

White Goods Summary 2019 Tonnes
Curbside Collection Converted to Tonnes 156.42
Drop Off Depots 192.92
Total White Goods Tonnes 349.34
Less 20% Residual Calculation Amount (69.87)
Total Tonnes Recycled and Diverted 279.47