Council Report: S 64/2020

Subject: Traffic Calming - Adapting to COVID-19 Emergency - City-Wide


Date to Council: June 24, 2020
Author: Jeff Hagan
Transportation Planning Senior Engineer
519-255-6267 ext 6003

Report Date: April 6, 2020

Clerk’s File #: MH/13786 ST2020

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


That, for the duration of the municipal declared state of emergency, the requirement for resident petitions in the Traffic Calming Policy BE WAIVED, and Administration BE DIRECTED to use 311 polls in place of these petitions.

Executive Summary:



Traffic Calming

Traffic calming reviews and projects on City of Windsor streets are governed by the Traffic Calming Policy. The current version of the Traffic Calming Policy was adopted by Council in September 2015. A flowchart of the review process for traffic calming requests is attached as Appendix 1.

The Environmental Assessment Act excludes traffic calming projects from environmental assessment requirements; because of this, Council has the freedom to establish or adjust review and approval processes for traffic calming as it sees fit.

COVID-19 Crisis

In response to the COVID-19 crisis, a state of emergency was declared provincially on March 17, 2020, and in the City of Windsor on March 20, 2020.