As of the date of this report, both declarations remain in effect. Administration is unable to hold traditional, in-person public open houses because of the ongoing restrictions on public gatherings.


Administration continues to receive and review traffic calming requests during the declared emergency.

Issues resulting from the COVID-19 crisis have caused challenges in implementing the Traffic Calming Policy; these issues are summarized in Table 1, along with proposed approaches for Council’s consideration to address these issues.

Traffic Calming Process Step


Proposed Approach

Traffic Data Collection

Current traffic volumes are not reflective of typical conditions.

Use a GPS-based service to obtain traffic data from before COVID-19 restrictions were in place.


Circulating petitions door-to-door is inconsistent with social distancing.

Allow the following measures for the duration of the declared emergency:

  • Replace petition with a survey through 311

  • Notify residents in petition area with a mailed notice

Public Meeting

Currently, in-person public open houses cannot be held.

  • Replace the in-person public open house with an online public meeting

  • Provide options for residents without internet access to receive meeting materials and submit comments.

  • Extend the length of the comment period to allow more time for questions and answers by phone

Further discussion on each item is provided below:

Traffic Data Collection

The COVID-19 outbreak has caused a sharp reduction in motor vehicle travel. Because of this, any traffic data collected now would not be reflective of normal conditions.

Within the past few years, certain companies have begun offering various products that can provide traffic counts based on GPS data and other sources from cell phones,