Table 15: Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste for 2019 in Kilograms

Material MHSW fromFacilities Reuse CentreQuantities Total Kgs
Car Batteries 30,350 0 30,350
Dry Cell Batteries 3,026 0 3,026
Fire Extinguishers 2,241 0 2,241
Fluorescents/Misc. Lamps/Ballasts 23,635 0 23,635
Inorganic Oxidizers 2,641 8,087 10,728
Mercury (HG items)/Lead 513 0 513
Pharmaceuticals 1,226 0 1,226
Plastic Used Oil Containers 16,991 0 16,991
Propane Cylinders 4,577 0 4,577
Propane Tanks/Misc. Tanks 18,093 0 18,093
Rechargeable & Mixed Batteries 1 0 1
Corrosive Solids (e.g. cement) 471 0 471
Waste Oil Filters 889 0 889
Total MHSW Kilograms 104,654 8,087 112,741

Table 16: MHSW Diversion Comparison: 2018 versus 2019

  2019 Tonnes 2018 Tonnes
MHSW Recycled or Reused 709 723
MHSW not Recycled (18) (19)
Total MHSW Diverted 691 704

7.2 Waste Motor Oil

Waste motor oil is collected curbside with the residential recycling program. As well, residents are able to deliver oil to the MHSW facilities. The quantity of waste motor oil collected during 2019 was 183,450 litres, which is down by 0.8% compared to the 184,950 litres collected in 2018. The quantity of oil collected by month is shown in Table 17 with historical data over four years.