THAT the installation of the red light cameras MOVE FORWARD subject to a future report that identifies costing in a more concrete and detailed manner that looks at data that includes all of the intersections where red light cameras would make the greatest impact in terms of reducing accidents and saving lives, and further, that Administration BE REQUESTED to liaise with our partners to review the POA Agreement and make any necessary changes thereto and that the changes BE PROVIDED in the final report to come to Council during the budget deliberations.

Councillor Costante requests that his motion BE WITHDRAWN.

Moved by: Councillor McKenzie

Seconded by: Councillor Kaschak

Decision Number: ETPS 761

THAT Administration PROCEED to engage the Ontario government in discussion regarding the implementation of red light cameras in the City of Windsor and utilize the Joint Municipal Processing Centre operated by the City of Toronto; and,

THAT Administration BE REQUESTED to issue a letter of intent to the Ministry and to report back with recommended funding options related to the potential one-time implementation costs and other related matters; and,

THAT Administration APPLY to the Ministry of Transportation to obtain an amendment to Ontario Regulation 277/99 and be added to the list of designated Municipalities under this program; and,

THAT Administration ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT with both the City of Toronto to use the Joint Municipal Processing Centre and with the vendor approved by the City of Toronto for installation and maintenance of the equipment; and,

THAT Administration BE REQUESTED to begin discussions with Local 543 regarding installation and maintenance work and the County to amend the Inter-Municipal Court Services Agreement. Carried.
Councillor Francis voting nay.

Report Number: S 47/2020

Clerk’s File: ST/13765

8.7. Bike Share and Scooter Share Services - City-wide

Councillor Francis advises upon review of the RFP, it states that it should be put out essentially to a vendor or potential vendor that offers both scooters and bikes as opposed to vendors that provide bikes and/or scooters. Jeff Hagan, Transportation Planning Senior Engineer appears via teleconference before the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee regarding the administrative report Bike Share and Scooter Share Services – City Wide and states that the recommendation in the report came from the Active Transportation Master Plan that involved the experience of municipalities, especially in the United States who have had experience