Councillor Kaschak expresses concern with the location of the red light cameras which represent the 10 top accident areas. He asks if the location can be moved to a few larger intersections, i.e. Lauzon Parkway and Tecumseh Road or Jefferson and Tecumseh Road. Ms. Boakes indicates that administration reviewed the total number of side impact collisions and rear end collisions and reviewed a potential based on the statistics received from other municipalities to assess what those accidents were and based on that, whether or not accidents at that intersection would increase or decrease. She adds the city must submit a list of the intersections where the red light cameras would be installed to the Ministry of Transportation. In summary, the process for the installation of the red light cameras includes a commitment to the program by City Council, a submission of the location of the cameras to the Ministry, then the Ministry will provide a list of the intersections to the City of Toronto, which enables the city to start negotiating with the vendor in Toronto.

Councillor McKenzie inquires whether there is data to substantiate if the red light cameras cause a change in driving behavior over time. Ms. Boakes responds that the City of Toronto has had the red light cameras installed for a number of years and she adds that most municipalities have seen a decrease in collisions, including rear end collisions; however, the revenue at the intersections will go down as the offenders obey traffic signals.

Councillor McKenzie states if a vehicle goes through a red light, the offence is attributed to the owner of the vehicle. He questions if this has been challenged legally. Ms. Boakes responds that the City of Toronto has reported an increase in the number of offences that are being legally challenged. She indicates she will access more data from their system in order to provide information relating to what the increase has been and what the results are.

Councillor Costante requests clarification on the 5 year cycle. Ms. Boakes provides the details.

Councillor Costante states if we were to enter into year 5, presumably the cost is higher as the cost escalates year over year. If we were to enter into year 1, we could start out with a lower cost. Ms. Boakes indicates this is correct. The vendor will want to recoup all of the costs they get over a longer time period hence the increase for the shorter time period.

Councillor Costante questions if the installation of red light cameras has the potential to either save lives or prevent serious injury. S. Boakes responds affirmatively.

Councillor Costante asks for confirmation that if a driver is halfway through an intersection and the light turns red, they will not be ticketed. Ms. Boakes indicates it is only if they go through the intersection when the light turns red before the soft line that they would be ticketed.

Moved by: Councillor Costante

Seconded by: Councillor McKenzie

THAT the report of the Senior Manager, Traffic Operations & Parking Services dated March 4, 2020 entitled Additional Information - CQ 5/2019 - Implementing Red Light Cameras - City Wide BE RECEIVED for information; and further,