BWE - 3 

Bike Windsor Essex Advocacy Committee January 9, 2020 plus, it would seem prudent to be adding funding to this project over time rather than using it as a slush fund for other projects. Reasons to move this project up the list Include: The existing, high traffic and high density anchors of the University, College, City HalliCasino, Art Gallery/Capital and major upcoming projects like the Gordie Howe Bridge bringing traffic downtown, the Grace site redevelopment, Caron Parking lot re development, transit terminal. 

Specific Infrastructure projects questions: Ypres Blvd. - Forest to Walker - Mill and Pave. The Mayor announced it as one of the major events of the 2019 budget. Won't see work done until 2021? 

RhodesDrive MUT- Identified as Schedule A+ project, Engineering drawings completed, Tender RFT 108-17 (Windsor Loop Cycling W3 Multi-UseTrail) awarded to South Shore Contracting on August 31, 2017, Tender 113-19 for Phase 1 (Walkertrail to Pillette) closed 08/26/2019. When will we see this trail begin? Walkerbusinesstrail - Great cycling infrastructure built almost 2 years ago and then locked up and unusable. When will the path be continued to Deziel Drive?

Cabana Road-will the latest section include buffered bike lanes in the spring of 2020? Dominion - work will be done on improving the intersections along with Dominion - the ATMP calls for AAA cycling facilities on Northwood crossing Dominion and Dominion as a supporting network. Will the intersections be developed to ensure that cyclists of All Ages and Abilities can negotiate the intersections with ease?

Will the City be investing in bicycle counters so that we can measure our successes?

Vision zero - where doesthis stand? This is the last we have heard:

At April 15, 2019 council meeting

Moved by: Councillor Holt Seconded by: Councillor Francis

Decision Number: CR174/2019 ETPS 670

That Administration BE directed to report back to the Environment Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee with a Vision Zero Policy for consideration; and, That Administration BE requested to provide information related to comparisons with other vision Zero municipalities in Ontario including data and gaps or enhancements that would be required across the Corporation to move forward with a complete policy.

Report Number: SCM 118/2019 & S 54/2019 Clerk’s File: ST2019

Follow up on the $6.8M all projects were identified in S 99/2016. Accounting would be good.

Note regarding ATMP maps: The following request was sent to 311 and cc’d to Trans Planning on Dec8, 2019 with no reply received- “The final Active Transportation Plan document contains numerous maps, however, even when zoomed- in, they are difficult to read and determine specific streets and other map data. The RFP for the Active Transportation Master Plan specified that the consultant was to create and set up an appropriate GIS database and mapping layers and provide them in geo-referenced format (per sections 7.3.1 and 7.8.1-6 of the RFP). This makes me assume that these maps have been provided in some format other than PDF.



Q. Will these maps be offered in the Open Data Catalog in a geo-referenced format? If not, can you let me know who to contact in order to obtain a geo-referenced copy of the above maps?