BWE - 2 

Bike Windsor Essex Advocacy Committee January 9, 2020 

Active Transportation Master Plan

The ATMP was received and the implementation plan for the Active Transportation Master Plan was referred to the 2020 budget for Council’s consideration. The 2020 budget does not make any mention of the ATMP or funding except for the AT Coordinator position which was pre-approved. The budget is aiming for 10-year planning. If there is to be any funding for cycling infrastructure, it will need to be budgeted several years ahead.

Cycling facility construction

The capital budget states that “Implementation of cycling facilities will depend on the schedule of road reconstruction and resurfacing projects.” - How will that work? Most reconstruction and mill and pave projects only cover 2 or 3 blocks of a street. Will bike lanes be added to the 2 new blocks and end where the reconstruction ends?

Page 563 - Traffic Calming Initiatives.

Traffic calming is easily one of the top of the list of issues that councilors hear about from constituents. The budget for ALL cycling infrastructure, education, enforcement and facilities is $600,000. $100,000 or 1/6 of this budget is proposed to be added to traffic calming for 2020 and 2021. Since traffic calming issues impact drivers more than cyclists, why are we not adding some of the roads budget for traffic calming as well? The Roads budget is $40M+/-. Even 0.01% would provide an extra $400,000.

Page327- Intersection improvements Program Various locations as identified in the Road Safety Report will be improved.

2020: Banwell / McNortonIntersection Improvements - $115,000 (directed by Council to 2019 Capital Budgetdeliberations, per CR111/2018). Will the improvements include cycling infrastructure?

2021-2024: Ongoing funding to continue implementing improvements - $500,000/yr. A bicycle Road Safety Audit was undertaken, and Administration was directed to report back on-short term recommendations, and that this be considered during the 2019 budget deliberations. We have not seen progress on this.

We recommend that all ALLintersection improvements made include cycling infrastructure as recommended in the ATMP. For example,if an intersection has been identified as part of a AAA route, the intersection must reflect that.

Page 564 - ICIP - Bikeways Development, project PBG-002-20. This is a grant proposal for ICIP funds.

Q: What is the list of projects that will be undertaken if the grant funding is received?

Q: What is the list of projects that will be undertaken if the grant funding is NOT received?

Page 557 - University Avenue Environmental AssessmentPlaceholder. Where is the funding that was intended for the renovation of the complete street of University Avenue? Initially, $5 million was added to that file, $240,585.00 was spent to complete the EA. Understanding that University Avenue reconstruction could easily reach $20 million