otherwise obtained. Each entry shall be madeat the time each dog or cat comesinto such keeper’s possession,and shall include, in addition to the date of a purchase, a full description of the dog orcat, together with the name, address and description of the person from whomit was purchased or otherwise obtained. The keepershall retain the register in respect of each such transaction for the period of 12 months thereafter. (Amended by By-law #51-2008, March 31, 2008)

(2) Every keepershall ensure that the aforesaid register is not mutilated or destroyed and shall keep it open to inspection by the Licence Commissioner,atall times during business hours and shall makeit available to be removedat any time for inspection orforuse in the courts, if necessary. The keepershall not be responsible for neglecting to make the necessary entriesin the said register while it is removed from his or her premises for this reason.