4. The keeper shall ensure that all persons responsible for the care, feeding or cleaning of birds or animals are adequately instructed and supervised in the handling and care of all such birds and animals.

5. No keeper shall:

  1. Keep his or her stock of animals or birds in crowded quarters or cages.

  2. Sell any diseased animal or bird. The following shall deem an animal unfit for sale or release:

    1. Obvious signs of infectious diseases such as distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, rabies, or other similar diseases.

    2. Obvious signs of nutritional deficiencies, including rickets or emaciation.

    3. Obvious signs of severe parasitism severe enough to be influencing the general health of the animal.

    4. Obvious fractures or congenital abnormalities affecting the general health of the animal.

  3. Display any animal or bird in a shop or display window except the rear of such window out of draughts and rays of the sun.

  4. Sell or keep for sale any wild animal or bird or reptile.

6. Every keeper shall ensure that any animal or bird indicating signs of sickness or disease is examined and appropriately treated within 24 hours of the onset of illness by a veterinarian or other qualified person experienced in the care and treatment of the species concerned and that such animal or bird is kept in a quarantine area, separate from all other birds and animals until such illness has been cured.

7. Nokeepershall sell, permit to be sold, offer for sale or give away any mammal before it has reached the normal weaning age, based on known requirements of that particular species.

8. Incompatible animals of different species shall not be confined or displayed in the same cage.

9. Whenever a keeper sells or otherwise disposes of a dog or cat, he or she shall give to the purchaser a receipt showing the name and address of the vendor and the purchaser, the date of the sale,the sale price, and the breed or cross-breed, sex, age and description, including color and placing of markings, if any, of the dog or cat, and an up-to-date certificate of health from a veterinarian with respect to such dog or cat.

10. Register concerning dogs to be kept as follows:

  1. Every keeper shall keep a register in which shall be entered in the English language, written in ink, in a plain, legible hand, a record of each dog and cat purchased or