Item Recommendation

The operator(s) is/are to maintain all bikes in a safe and functional state, and promptly remove any damaged, unsafe or non-functional bikes from public property.Once notified of an issue, the operator(s) must lock down the bicycle to ensure it cannot be used.

Maintenance data must be updated and submitted monthly.


Bicycles must be rebalanced every 24 hours. Operator(s) must respond to pedestrian obstructions and safety concerns within several hours.

Operator(s) must inspect any hubs or stations (if applicable) at least once per day to ensure they are kept in safe, tidy, and sanitary conditions.

The City may remove or re-park bicycles in violation with the permit and deduct from the security deposit for fees, resources, and staff time.

Equipment Standards Bikes must meet Provincial safety requirements and include adjustable seat posts, all-weather tires, front/rear fenders, GPS location tracking, unique identification number and permit number. E-bikes must conform to Provincial requirements.
Storage Bikes to be parked at:
  1. Bike racks (i.e. post and ring)
  2. Designated areas in geo-fenced hubs or stations (where applicable);
  3. Bikes shall not block a 2 metre pedestrian zone, driveways, or street furniture. No parking within 0.5m of trees or shrubs. Bicycles must not be parked where these minimum distance requirements cannot be met.

Operator(s) should have in-app ability to communicate by text or alert to let the customer know if a bicycle is parked in a non-permitted area.

All bicycles must remain in an upright position with both wheels in contact with the ground.

User Education Operator(s) must educate customers on how to use services, proper riding behaviour, how to operate and park bicycles, helmet laws. An education plan must be provided and show how education plan will be delivered, including attendance at public meetings and community events to provide education and support to users.
Transit Integration Operator(s) is/are encouraged to incorporate the capability to integrate payment and access systems with Transit Windsor.