their consultants. The Authority then determines if the contaminated soil is allowed to be brought to the landfill.

The Manager of Waste Disposal stated that the Authority is receiving many requests since we are the only facility in the area to receive this type of waste.

Mr. Meloche asked if the Authority has the capacity to receive this contaminated soil. The Manager of Waste Disposal replied yes. He stated that the Authority is trying to use the contaminated soil as effective as possible.

Mr. Meloche asked what is done with the contaminated soil when large quantities are received.

The Waste Disposal Manager stated that the soil is stockpiled for future use.

Mr. Meloche asked if there is a cost benefit even though there will be leachate treatment costs associated with this. The Manager of Waste Disposal replied yes. The Manager of Waste Disposal stated that vines are a much worse offender in producing leachate. He stated that the contaminated soil aids in compaction.

Moved by Jim Morrison
Seconded by Leo Meloche

THAT the Board receive the 2019 Revenue Projection Update Report as information.


Carried Unanimously

12. Other Items

Mr. Meloche stated he placed fluorescent lights with his recyclables for collection but they were not picked up. He asked if they are allowed in the program.

The Manager of Waste Diversion replied that they are not picked up with regular residential recycling collection but they can be dropped off at any of the Authority’s facilities in the MHSW area.

Mr. Kaschak asked if there is a possibility for residents to tour the recycling facility in Windsor. The General Manager stated that a tour for residents has never been done.

He stated that when the Container MRF was being constructed in 2008 there was a plan for a mezzanine but it was not constructed due to cost. The Manager of Waste Diversion stated there is a video on the Authority’s website called “A Day in the Life of Water Bottle Wally” that explains the recycling process. She also stated that Authority staff are working on creating more educational videos.

Mr. Kaschak commended the City of Windsor on recycling most of the waste from the demolition of the old City Hall building.