THAT the Board authorize the payment of the legal account as summarized.


Carried Unanimously

C. 2020 Meeting Schedule

For the Board’s information.

D. 2019 Revenue Projection Update

The Manager of Finance and Administration referred to page 27 of the agenda package and provided the Board with 2019 revenue projection update. Since the presentation of the 2020 Budget on November 5, 2019, a large volume of contaminated soil had been delivered to the Regional Landfill for disposal. She stated that additionally, since the date of the report the Authority has received an additional 6,000 tonnes of contaminated soil at the Regional Landfill which results in total net revenue of $450,000.

Mr. Meloche asked if the tipping fee is reflective of any expenses such as leachate treatment.

The Manager of Finance stated that it is hard to determine how much leachate is released from the contaminated soil. She stated the increase in the contaminated soil tipping fees will cover the additional expense.

The Manager of Waste Disposal stated that there could potentially be 50,000-60,000 tonnes of contaminated soil coming into the Regional Landfill. He stated that the contractors are supplying the equipment to place the material so it is a win-win situation. The soil coming into the landfill is dry and is being used to the Authority’s advantage.

Mr. Bondy asked if there are degrees of contamination. The Manager of Waste Disposal stated that it fluctuates depending on where the soil is coming from. He stated that the soil coming from this project is not as contaminated compared to other material the Regional Landfill has received in the past.

Mr. Bondy asked if the contaminated soil goes to Sarnia if the Authority will not take it. The Manager of Waste Disposal replied yes.

Mr. Bondy asked if it is common practice for the customers to supply their own dozer instead of going farther to dispose of the soil. The Manager of Waste Disposal replied yes.

Mr. Sleiman asked if there is a mechanism to test the contaminated soil.

The Manager of Waste Disposal stated that customers are required to complete a Waste Characterization Form prior to bringing contaminated soil to the Regional Landfill. Copies of the test results are submitted to the Authority from