
Carried Unanimously

6. Business Arising from the Minutes

There was no business raised for discussion.

7. Correspondence

There were no correspondence items for consideration.

8. Delegations

There were no delegations present.

9. Waste Disposal

2020 Board Appointment to the Landfill Liaison Committee

The Manager of Waste Disposal provided background information regarding the Landfill Liaison Committee. The Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) for the Regional Landfill stipulates the establishment and maintenance of a Landfill Liaison Committee (LLC). The purpose of the LLC is to review and make comment on any activities associated with the Regional Landfill Site, which shall include a review of Operations and Monitoring reports, review of complaints as well as the development and implementation plan for eventual end use and perpetual care. Meetings of the LLC are held quarterly. The membership of the LLC consists of 8 members appointed as follows:

The Authority is to appoint one of its Board members to the Landfill Liaison Committee at this meeting. As a matter of information, the Board’s appointment for 2019 was Board Member Marc Bondy.

Mr. McNamara nominated Mr. Bondy for the position again for 2020.