Mr. Bondy accepted the nomination.

Moved by Gary McNamara

Seconded by Gary Kaschak

That the Board appoint Marc Bondy, who is not a member of the Council of the Town of Essex, to the Landfill Liaison Committee for a term of one year for 2020.


Carried Unanimously

10. Waste Diversion

Province and Environment Ministry Setting Up Working Groups re: Blue Box Transition to Producers 2023-2025

The General Manager referred to page 18 of the agenda package. He stated that on November 26, 2019 he attended a meeting of various stakeholders regarding the transition of the municipal Blue Box program to full producer responsibility. He noted that this is the first of several meetings that he will be attending. The meeting was held in Toronto at the invitation of the Environment Ministry.

The General Manager stated the purpose of this initial meeting was to kickoff the Blue Box Transition stakeholder engagement process. This meeting brought together all the working groups together to hear the Ministry’s plan for developing producer responsibility regulations. The three working groups are (1) municipalities, (2) producers and (3) waste management and packaging manufacturers.

The General Manager stated that meetings will be held commencing on December 17, 2019 and continue in January, February and March of 2020.

The working groups will be tasked with discussing and providing advice and recommendations on the following topics:

The General Manager noted that municipalities will initially meet on their own. He will provide the Board updates throughout 2020.