Ontario – no less than $5 million. Motor vehicle liability insurance in the amount of no less than $2 million. WSIB coverage.

Indemnification Requirements

Operator must agree to indemnify the City for all losses that may arise from the program, unless so caused by the City’s own negligence.

Beyond these required items, proponents will also be evaluated based on scoring criteria including:

Risk Analysis:

Risks associated with the pilot program include:

Financial Risk:

In order for this pilot program to be successful, additional signage and/or storage locations may be required. It is anticipated that the Administrative Fee and/or the amount charged for penalties/violations of the agreement will be sufficient to cover the capital and operations costs associated with the pilot program. However, there is a slight risk that it is the funds collected from the operator(s) will not cover all costs. Costs above what is collected from the operator will be tracked and reported to Council.