

School zone pavement markings

The School Neighbourhood Policy supports the use of school zone pavement markings at appropriate locations.

As of the 2020 capital budget, funding for implementation of the School Neighbourhood Policy is scheduled to begin in 2022.

Cycling delineators

Separated bicycle lanes with flexible delineators are supported in some circumstances by the Ontario Traffic Manual.

To date, flexible delineators along bicycle lanes have not been used on Windsor streets due to maintenance concerns.

Gateway speed limit signs

A separate report is being prepared in response to CQ7-2020 that will address gateway speed limit signage.

Any speed limit changes require Council approval through an amendment to Traffic By-law 9148.

Cost of Temporary Traffic Calming Measures

Costs for specific traffic calming devices were provided in an additional information memo for report S 145/2019.

Costs for the City of Ottawa’s temporary traffic calming program are as follows:

The City of Kitchener’s current capital budget for their program (10 radar speed feedback signs and 80 centreline flex signs) is $60,000 per year ($6,000 per ward for 10 wards). This budget is for ongoing maintenance of equipment and expansion of the program only; it does not include the past purchase cost for existing equipment reused from past years. Information on the required staff resources to administer the program was not available.

The cost for the Corporation to purchase an additional radar speed feedback trailer is $15,000.