As part of the City of Toronto’s efforts to harmonize policies across all former municipalities, a single traffic calming policy for the entire city was adopted in 2002; this feature of the former City of North York’s policy was not retained.

Implementing Measures and Approaches from Other Jurisdictions in Windsor

Two aspects of implementing the measures and approaches from other jurisdictions were considered:

In general, the current Traffic Calming Policy allows Council the flexibility to include any measure that will address the neighbourhood’s identified speed or traffic volume issues as part of a traffic calming plan.

Windsor’s Traffic Calming Policy does not provide an expedited process for tempo rary traffic calming measures. However, some aspects of the City of Ottawa’s Temporary Traffic Calming Measures Program and the City of Kitchener’s Seasonal Traffic Calming Program are already available in Windsor without the need to go through the process of the Traffic Calming Policy.

The City of Ottawa and City of Kitchener’s temporary traffic calming programs include other measures which are not currently in Windsor’s Traffic Calming Policy. These measures are summarized in Table 3. It should be noted that a number of these measures are neither temporary nor considered “traffic calming” under the Windsor’s current Traffic Calming Policy. The Discussion column describes how each measure is currently – or could be – implemented in Windsor.

As noted previously, Administration is currently evaluating the feasibility of using traffic calming curbs on a pilot basis to create “pop-up” protected bicycle lanes on road diet projects.

Table 3: Currently Available Measures

Measure Discussion
Post- / Pole- Mounted Radar speed feedback signs In the past, these devices have been offered to Councillors as a potential purchase from ward funds.The Corporation’s radar trailers are currently used as temporary, portable radar speed feedback signs and for data collection.
Warranted pedestrian crossovers Pedestrian crossovers are installed where warranted in priority sequence as funding allows.