Addition to the Agenda

Moved by E. Wageningen, seconded by K. Dohring,

That Rule 3.3. (c) of the Procedure By-law 98-2011 be waived to add the following addition to the Agenda:

4.7 Lori Newton, Bike Windsor Essex – Recommendations relating to the City of Windsor 2020 Recommended Capital Budget


2. Declaration of Conflict

None disclosed.

3. Adoption of the Minutes

Moved by E. Wageningen, seconded by J. Macasaet-Bondy, That the minutes of the Windsor Bicycling Committee of its meeting held May 8, 2019 BE ADOPTED as presented.

4. Business Items

4.1 Bike Parking for Community Events

The Chair advises bike parking for the Bike to the Fireworks event was provided by Bike Windsor Essex in 2019 and suggests that this service be once again offered to this organization. He adds this is an opportunity to bring cyclists together. The cost for bike parking/valet service by Bike Windsor Essex is $500/day.

K. Dohring states the City should provide basic services for events and that core functions should be supported by policy and not by volunteers.

J. Macasaet-Bondy adds bike parking should be offered at city events.

Moved by J. Macasaet-Bondy, seconded by E. Wageningen,

That the Windsor Bicycling Committee BE COMMITTED to offer bike parking services to Bike Windsor Essex for the 2020 Bike to Fireworks event.