Windsor Bicycling Committee
Meeting held January 14, 2020


A meeting of the Windsor Bicycling Committee is held this day commencing at 5:00 o’clock p.m. in Room 140, 350 City Hall Square West, there being present the following members:

Councillor Kieran McKenzie, Chair
Klaus Dohring
Robert Hicks
Teena Ireland
Jessica Macasaet-Bondy
John Popham
Erika Valvasori
Ellen van Wageningen

Regrets received from:

Brian Churchmack
Alexa Sylvestre

Guest in attendance:

Lori Newton, Bike Windsor Essex

Also present are the following resource personnel :

Mike Clement, Manager Parks Development
Jeff Hagan, Transportation Planning Senior Engineer
Kevin Morse, Windsor Essex County Health Unit
Karen Kadour, Committee Coordinator

1. Call to Order

The Chair calls the meeting to order at 5:15 o’clock p.m. and the Committee considers the Agenda being Schedule A attached hereto, matters which are dealt with as follows: