That Administration REPORT BACK on by-law and Policy recommendations to support a partnership with one or multiple private operators to provide Bike Share Services to the City of Windsor community.


That Administration BE DIRECTED to report back on funding possibilities for the Bike Share Vision and Goals.


That equity BE GIVEN strong consideration when recommendations come forward on howto regulate the providers to ensure equity is a key component of this business model.

It should be noted that at the time that these resolutions were adopted, e-scooters were prohibited by the Highway Traffic Act in the public right-of-way.


On November 27, 2019 the Province of Ontario announced a five-year pilot project for e-scooters. E-scooters are popular form of micro-mobility transportation.

After reviewing the best practice guidelines, Administration is recommending that the City of Windsor amend its by-laws to permit the use of e-scooters in the public right of way for the duration of the Province’s pilot program and also proposes some requirements regarding parking e-scooters.

Currently, the City of Windsor does not have any bikeshare / e-scooter sharing programs operating in the City, although Administration is working on establishing the parameters that would allow them to do so and intends to bring a report to Council in the near future. As such, any use of e-scooters before the introduction of an e-scooter sharing operator would therefore be by personal e-scooter users.

Proposed City of Windsor Rules for E-Scooters

Table 1 summarizes the rules under the Highway Traffic Act regulation for the e-scooter pilot program along with the proposed rules that would be implemented by adopting the by-law amendments in Appendix 1.

Category HTA Pilot Program Rule (Province-wide) Proposed Additional Rules (City of Windsor)
Vehicle Rules
  • E-scooters must have arranged longitudinally two wheels and must have a rider platform handlebarsand
No additional restrictions