Category HTA Pilot Program Rule (Province-wide) Proposed Additional Rules (City of Windsor)
  • E-scooter speed is limited kilometres per hour and power is limited to 500 24 motor
  • E-scooter weight, including batteries, is limited to 45 kilograms.
  • E-scooters must be equipped with front and rear lights if they are operated from one hour before sunset to one hour after sunrise.
  • E-scooters must be equipped with a horn or bell.
  • E-scooters cannot be fitted seats, baskets, or trailers.
Rider Rules E-scooter operators must be 16 or older No additional restrictions
E-scooter operators wear helmetsunder18must All riders must wear helmets
Passengers and cargo are prohibited on e-scooters. No additional restrictions
Rules of the Road E-scooters are prohibited on controlled-access highways (and where prohibited by by-law). E-scooters are prohibited on:
  • Controlled-access highways
  • Any roadway with a speed limit greater than 50 km/h
  • If a bicycle lane is provided, e-scooters must ride in the bicycle lane.
  • If no bicycle lane is provided, e-scooters must ride at the right-hand side of the road.
No additional restrictions
If e-scooters are allowed on sidewalks or trails, riders on sidewalks and trails must:
  • Yield to pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Not travel markedly greater than the walking speed of nearby pedestrians.
  • E-scooters are prohibited on sidewalks and park trails [Note 1].
  • E-scooters are permitted on multi-use trails in the right-of-way.
Parking Rules E-scooters cannot be left in a location intended for the passage of vehicles or pedestrians. E-scooters cannot be left anywhere in the right-of-way, except as permitted by encroachment agreement or by-law. [Note 1]
Rules on Transit Not addressed E-scooters are not permitted on Transit Windsor buses. [Note 1]


1. This rule is currently in force based on existing by-laws or regulations and is not recommended to be changed.

Additional discussion on key proposed rules is provided below: