Based on an extensive review of the technical planning and policy related issues, the proposed development is appropriate for the site and consistent with good planning principles. We recommend that the Zoning By-Law Amendment applicaƟon, and the Site Plan Control ApplicaƟon, as submiƩed, be approved for the following reasons:

  1. The proposed development is “consistent” with the Provincial Policy Statement for the reasons idenƟfied in SecƟon 3.4 of this report.

  2. The proposed development is “consistent” with the intent of the City of Windsor Official Plan for the reasons idenƟfied in SecƟon 3.4 of this report.

  3. The proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment respects the land use compaƟbility and site suitability direcƟves of Zoning By-law 8600 supporƟng healthy, complete neighbourhoods. The proposed development can add to the vitality of the area while supporƟng the efficient use of land and exisƟng infrastructure.

  4. The proposed site specific Zoning By-Law Amendment of the subject site will be consistent with site CD1.12 zoning policies:

    • The site is physically suitable with full municipal services, and is well-located to support the proposed infill residenƟal and commercial land uses;

    • The design of the infill mixed-use development will be done in accordance with the site specific zoning provisions agreed upon with the Municipality;

    • The proposed development would provide desirable employment opportuniƟes and support the ability of residents to live and work in their local neighbourhood;

    • The proposed site specific provisions are minor in nature and will not negaƟvely impact the surrounding land uses.

      • The proposed site specific provisions include the addiƟon of mulƟ-unit residenƟal units to the subject site will allow for needed apartment units in an area of high demand, while increasing density in South Windsor;

      • A decrease in the total number of parking spaces to a minimum of 108 parking spaces for the development will help promote acƟve transportaƟon while the proposed minimum parking requirements will allow intensificaƟon to occur on a currently under-uƟlized site;

      • The addiƟon of grocery store and entertainment lounge to the permiƩed uses will allow for a wider range of uses that are scarce in the area but much needed on a neighbourhood scale;

      • The proposed increase in building height from 7.5m to 16.0m would allow for the intensification to occur within a smaller footprint on the site. The positioning of the proposed building allows for further setbacks from the adjacent residential dwellings while