3.4.4 Transportation System
The PPS and OP encourage developments that promote a dense land use pattern which minimizes the length and number of vehicle trips, and encourages the use of transit and active transportation methods (PPS, & 1.8.1 (b)). The subject site is located on a Windsor Transit bus route which will provide residents with an accessible public transportation option. There is also an existing sidewalk on the subject site which connects to surrounding neighbourhoods. This connectivity will help promote active transportation as nearby residents can walk to the commercial units of the proposed development.
The applicant is requesting a reduction in the required parking ratio to a minimum of 108 parking spaces for the development. This reduction is appropriate for the site due to the nature of the building (i.e. mixed use) and the site’s proximity to the other amenities in the City. The site is also located along a transit route, which will encourage active transportation and the reduction of the number of vehicle trips to and from the site. It is expected that the apartment parking and the commercial parking will be utilized at different times due to different peak time requirements for the three uses. We anticipate there should be no issue with a reduction in the number of parking spaces on the subject site.
3.4.5 Infrastructure
The proposed development promotes the efficient use and optimization of existing municipal sewage and water services, and will ensure that sewage and water services provided comply with all regulatory requirements and protect human health and the natural environment (PPS,
There are opportunities for pedestrian connections to the wider neighbourhood which would in turn promote a healthy, active community that facilitates active transportation and community connectivity (PPS, 1.5.1 (a)).
Sidewalks will be included in the design of the development, including direct connections to commercial uses and the surrounding area (OP, Section (a)). These sidewalks, both on site and connecting to the right-of-way will be barrier free and maintained to provide accessible travel for all residents and pedestrians and will encourage people to walk to school or work, for travel, exercise, recreation, and social interaction (OP, Section (c) & (c)).
3.4.6 Urban Design
The proposed infill development is able to be compatible with the surrounding area in terms of scale, massing, height, architectural proportions, siting, orientation, setbacks, parking and landscaped areas (OP, Section 8.3 and Full-cutoff lighting will be required as part of the development to protect surrounding residents from potential light intrusion (OP, Section 8.13). These aspects of the development will be addressed more thoroughly during Site Plan Approval and also managed at the time of Condominium Approval.