TO: Justina Nwaesei
FROM: Melanie Muir, Dillon Consulting Limited
DATE: November 11, 2020
SUBJECT: Revised Zoning By-law Amendment – 1200 & 1220 University Avenue West
ATTACHMENTS: Figure 1: Proposed Site Plan Option – 1 - Chintan Virani Architect Inc.
OUR FILE: 19-9303


Dillon Consulting Limited (‘Dillon’) has been retained by Tosin Bello, herein referred to as the “Applicant”, to assist in obtaining the necessary planning approvals associated with a development at 1090 North Talbot Road. In September 2020 the applicant submitted a zoning amendment application package, which included a Planning Justification Report, Traffic Impact Study, and the associated Zoning Amendment application to redevelop the site for a mixed use development. Based on your conference call between the applicant, and the agent on Thursday November 5th, 2020, this memorandum accompanied by an amended Planning Justification Report should supersede the original submission materials from September 2020.

The original application was in support of amending the sites zoning to site specific CD 1.12 zoning which:

The applicant has since made changes to their development proposal and are requesting that City of Windsor staff consider amendments to the initial application. The latest development proposal requests that the subject sites zoning be amended to a site specific CD 1.12 zoning which: