November 16, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Item 11.1
Additional information

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Khahra
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2020 7:48 AM
To: Aspila, Christopher <>
Cc: Brian Chillman
Subject: Alley closure (Huron Church); Report S9/2020

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Dear Mr. Asphila:

significant portion would remain open. We are the majority abutting property owner and would like to acquire the entire alley (if provided) with the condition that an access to be provided from the Malden Road to our current vacant lot. I understand that the issue maybe addressed with site plan control; however, we want some assurance that the city would support an access at a later date. We have plans to develop the parcel and addition of Alley to our parcel and access of Malden would greatly serve development project as we currently don’t have sufficient depth on the lot.

Lastly, the conveyance price should be the same of all abutting property owners as every property owner’s right to acquire is the same. Kindly forward our concerns to the council and we hope for best resolution to this issue. I would welcome any questions or concerns in this regard.


Ken S. Khahra

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