November 16, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Committee meeting
Additional Information Item 7.5

From: odour alamin
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2020 9:26 AM
To: clerks <>
Subject: Amendment to zoning By -Law 8600, File # ZNG/6074 Z-011/20

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Dear Sir/Madam

Regarding File # ZN G/6074 Z-011/20, the developer wants to change our residential to a commercial area plus three stories. Each story has 17 condominiums and 108 parking lots, which WILL cause a huge noise and traffic jam on the intersection between North Talbot and Sixth Concession road. It would also make leaving our driveways much more difficult with the increased traffic, thus increasing the chances of motor accidents in the area. Finally, this will impact the reputation of South Windsor as the quietest and safest area in Windsor. We need your support to keep our neighborhood safe and quiet.

Also, I have attached the city planner, Mrs. Jastina's response to our concerns about the change.

Good day!

Kind regards,


Odour Al Amin