The property is presently dual designated and dual zoned with the majority of the property being designated for residential purposes. The proposed OPA and ZBA will extend the residential designation across the entire parcel while providing for a site specific zoning bylaw for the site. The OPA and ZBA will support the re-development of the site while providing for site specific regulatory framework.

The proposed development involves the re-development of a residential lot for a four storey, medium density, 28 unit residential apartment building. The location is optimum for the proposed use being on a bus route, a bike route and within walking distance to supportive commercial uses. Being located on the periphery of the neighbourhood, there will be no negative impacts on the residential neighbourhood.

The proposed OPA and ZBA will support the healthy, walkable community initiatives of the Province and the City of Windsor.

In my professional opinion the requested OPA and ZBA:

  1. is consistent with the policies of the Provincial Policy Statements;

  2. conforms with relevant policies of the City of Windsor Official Plan;

  3. maintains the intent of the City of Windsor Comprehensive Zoning By-law 8600 and when the ZBA is passed, it will establish the regulatory framework required for the development to comply with the CZB;

  4. makes sound planning.

Lassaline Planning Consultants Inc.

Jackie Lassaline BA MCIP RPP
Principal Planner Owner