- (a) Permined Uses
- A retail store, not including a retail store for the sale of motor vehicles or heavy machinery; wholesale store; bakery not exceeding 500 square meters m net floor area; confectionery not exceeding 500 square meters in net floor area; outdoor market within a Business Improvement Area; (AMDIDED BY 8614, JUNE 23, 1986 AND by B/L 232-2006‘ Jan 18, 2007)
- A personal service shop; day nursery; funeral home; church; church hall tourist home (AMENDED BY B/L 1 OLT, SEPT. 23/1994)
- A business. financial medical or veterinary office. professional studio. commercial school;
- A light repair shop: gas bar; an existing service station; an existing automobile repair garage. (AMENDED B/L 11614, Nov 1/1993)
- A restaurant take-out food outlet. micro-brewery
(AMENDED by B/L 33-2001, October 23, 2001, OMB DociSeenler S. 1714, MID Can N. F1.010233 AND AMENDED by 8/1 3/3-21014, Dec. 21, 2004)
- Place of entertainment and recreation; private hall
- Dwelling units in a combined use building with any one (1) or more of the foregoing uses. provided that all dwelling units. not including entrances thereto. are located entirely above the non-residential use(s).
- A public parking area: parking garage:
- Any use accessory to the foregoing uses, not including an outdoor storage yard unless otherwise specifically permitted by this by-law. (AMENDED y 13/L 232-21104, In. 18, 2997)
- A retail store, not including a retail store for the sale of motor vehicles or heavy machinery; wholesale store; bakery not exceeding 500 square meters m net floor area; confectionery not exceeding 500 square meters in net floor area; outdoor market within a Business Improvement Area; (AMDIDED BY 8614, JUNE 23, 1986 AND by B/L 232-2006‘ Jan 18, 2007)
- (aa) Prohibited Uses
Despite subclause (iv) of clause (a) of this subsection. a gar bar and a service station shall not be permitted uses on any lot situated within 63_5 meters of the east or west limits of Sandwich Street between Detroit and Brock Streets or sat 30 meters of the south limit of Mill Street between Russell and Sandwich Street (ADDED 113511, Math 1/93) - (b) Reputation.:
(I) Maximum building height - equal to the length of the longest exterior lot line or 14 meters, whichever is the lesser, (AMENDED by BIL 363-2002 Dec. 31, 2002)
(II) MINIMUM amenity area per dwelling unit:
1 Bachelor Unit - 7.5 square meters
2. One-Bedroom Unit - 10 square meters
3. Two or more bedroom unit - 15 square meters
(AMENDED by BE 162-1998, Jam IL 1993 AND by B/1.33-2001, October 23. 1001. OMB DeasioalOrdar No_ 1716, OMB Can No. P1011233)