Appendix ‘C’ – Consultations Table                            SAA/6067

Agency Comments
Fire and Rescue Services No comments received.
Windsor Police Services The Windsor Police Service has no concerns or objections with the closure being requested. The alley space in question in its present condition represents nothing more than a largely “inert” space with overgrown vegetation and does not appear to be readily accessible. In its present, discreet condition, it is vulnerable to the potential for unlawful activity and closure is therefore a viable option for eliminating this vulnerability. Also, the outcome from the alley closure will not inhibit or diminish proper police emergency response capability or general patrol activities to abutting properties or the area in general in any way.
Planning – Landscape Architect No objection from a landscape architectural perspective.
Parks & Facilities No objections or comments.
Public Works – Engineering The subject alley closure is approximately 4.27m (14ft) wide, and is composed of grass. There are no sewers, manholes, or catchbasins located in the alley closure. There are wooden hydro poles, guy-wires, or overhead wires located in the alley. An easement will be required for utilities. There is a curb cut and partial approach on Leduc Street to access the alley; it may be the responsibility of the City to remove the curb cut in the future when funds exist, if the alley is not purchased. Should the abutting owners use this access they will be required to obtain a driveway permit to complete and maintain the approach to City Standard AS-221 or AS-222. This alley appears to serve no useful purpose by CR146/2005; therefore, we have no objections to the closure of this alley.
Public Works – Environmental No concerns from Environmental Services.
Public Works – Transportation No comments received.
Transit Windsor No comments received.
Bell Canada See diagram – Easement needed.
Cogeco Cable Systems Inc. No comments received.
Canada Post No comments received.
Rogers Communications No comments received.
Telus Communications TELUS has no infrastructure in the area of your proposed work. Permit expires six (6) months from approval date.
MNSi MNSi will require and aerial easement through this entire alley closing
EnWin Utilities– Hydro Hydro Engineering: No Objection, however, an easement named to ENWIN Utilities is required for the alley being closed to accommodate existing overhead hydro distribution, including poles, conductors and associated down guys and anchors. Refer to the documentation attached below for easement requirements.Refer to attached sketch.