This red brick building has a recessed entryway similar to a “H” plan at street-facing front of the building. The center entrance is accentuated by a peaked roofline, hooded corniced treatment on the second floor, and a gabled pediment corniced with returns on the first floor, along with flat classical pilasters. The original windows are the six over one window sashes. The front also features stone/cement accents.

The one and half storey buff brick building is craftsman style and features a steeply pitched gabled roof with regularly laid tile roof. The gabled roof on the University Avenue side features vergeboard with finial. The property has a wrap-around porch on the north-east corner of the building that continues as a one storey wing on the east side of the building. Above that side wing is a hipped dormer and tall brick chimney. The south side of the building has a small enclosed bay with wood framed windows covered by a shed roof. Clarence E Mason bought the lot in 1912. C.E. Mason was was born in Sandwich and resided there all his life. He and also served as the former mayor of the Town of Sandwich (1903-1906). He was on staff with the Windsor immigration services for many years. 5 It appears he sold the house to his son, Earl L Mason, early on, who may not have resided at the property over the years, but retained ownership (within the Mason family) up til the mid 1950s.

5 The Windsor Daily Star. “ C.E. Mason Is Stricken”. Published Jul 10, 1945, p3.