This buff brick prairie house features a low sloped roof with hipped dormer in front (not original) and on the side. The exposed rafters are seen under both the dormer and roof edges, which has wide eave overhang. The first storey front porch spans the entire width of the house with cornice emphasizing horizontal lines, supported by triple rectangular pillars at the steps and double pillars along the rest of the porch. A large chimney is located at the front and a smaller one behind. Comparisons with historic photos and the fire insurance map show that there has been changes or even removal of the original porch, which had a peaked pediment at corner and supported a second floor balcony. The property was originally municipally addressed as 12 Park Place, then 150 Casgrain Place, and finally as the current 150 Randolph Place. The original owner of the property was Joseph Loikrec who was a shoe retailer. 6 Louis and Jenny Adelman bought the property in the 1930s. The Adelmans were also retailers, who started a small retail store

6 The Border Cities Star. “Opens New Store”. Published October 4, 1928, p.5