Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Councillor Holt inquires as to setbacks and whether this will be coming back to Council for any other reason besides this heritage alteration permit. George Robinson, Planner II – Revitalization & Policy Initiatives, appears via video conference before the Development and Heritage Standing Committee regarding the administrative report “436 Askin Avenue - Partial Demolition of a Heritage Listed Property (Ward 2)” and indicates that parcels currently zoned RD2.1 have permitted uses that include a duplex, semi-detached dwelling, and single unit dwelling. Mr. Robinson explains that the applicant is proposing to convert the existing single unit dwelling to a semi-detached dwelling. Mr. Robinson indicates that a preliminary review by the department is done, and it indicates that the plans as presented do meet the provisions in this zone and semi-detached dwelling as a permitted use. Mr. Robinson adds that in lieu of any amendments to the applicant’s plans, this application would not come back to this Committee or the Committee of Adjustment for any further Planning Act approvals.

Member Baker indicates that she stopped by 436 Askin last week and remarks that it is a lovely home in a lovely neighbourhood. She also noticed the smell from the sewers and that there is residential parking. Ms. Baker inquires whether the Planning Department is consulted prior to bringing this to this Committee as there are red flags. Mr. Robinson responds that whenever they receive an initial submission such as this, it is reviewed by the Zoning Coordinator, as well as other development oriented staff members in their department, and adds that the issues that address servicing would come through at the building permit stage. Patrick Winters, Development Engineer, appears via video conference before the Development and Heritage Standing Committee regarding the administrative report “436 Askin Avenue - Partial Demolition of a Heritage Listed Property (Ward 2)” and indicates that existing properties are serviced, and system wide intensification does have an effect on the system eventually. Member Baker advises that she would support moving to designate the house and to create a Heritage Conservation District (HCD) for the area.

Member Foot indicates that the issue should be dealt with from Council’s point of view as far as the re-use of the land goes, as it goes beyond the heritage provisions of the back porch.

Councillor Bortolin inquires as to the Heritage Conservation District and what the process is if that is triggered today. Kristina Tang, Heritage Planner, appears via video conference before the Development and Heritage Standing Committee regarding the administrative report “436 Askin Avenue - Partial Demolition of a Heritage Listed Property (Ward 2)” and indicates the process