Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

would begin with Council’s decision to initiate a Heritage Conservation District (HCD) area study, followed by public consultation and looking at the merits of a Heritage Conservation District as well as determining boundaries.

Councillor Bortolin inquires as to whether this application would have come forward if the area was designated as an HCD, or would the application automatically be denied as an HCD. Ms. Tang indicates that there are provisions within the Heritage Act for the initiation of an Interim Control By-law alongside the initiation of an HCD study area. Ms. Tang adds that there are some restrictions to its use so it cannot be used in tandem with the existing Interim Control Bylaw. Ms. Tang indicates that in this case, if you want to halt an application for 436 Askin, some interim control by-law power would have to be enacted.

Councillor Holt inquires as to when something is listed on the Heritage Registry, is it only the structure itself or the entire property and what was the original justification for listing this property on the Heritage Registry. Ms. Tang indicates that the Heritage Register listings are usually for the property and adds that, regarging the powers of the Committee in terms of reviewing the Notice of Intention to remove or demolish buildings or structures so that they are specific to the physical structures, there is no status or authority to regulate any of that design aspect. For example, there are comments about the addition being larger than the existing house; however, there is no authority given by the Ontario Heritage Act to regulate the size of the addition.

Councillor Holt inquires whether this Committee could take into account the scaling of the property as a whole when a decision is made to allow for an alteration permit which might inextricably change the entire feeling of the property. Ms. Tang indicates that the Ontario Heritage Act does not give powers to regulate alterations for heritage listed properties; these powers are given for designated properties. The only options are to receive the Notice of Intention to demolish or to initiate a Notice of Intention to designate.

Councillor Holt inquires that if this Committee chose to move to designate the actual property, does that designation protect the entire property, which would include the property around it, the relationship to the neighbours, and the access to the alley. Ms. Tang indicates that the designation would specify the property boundaries.

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Member Baker

Decision Number: DHSC 207

THAT the report of the Planner II Revitalization & Policy Initiatives and Heritage Planner dated September 25, 2020, entitled “436 Askin Avenue-Partial Demolition of a Heritage Listed Property” BE RECEIVED; and,

THAT Administration BE REQUESTED to give notice of intention to designate the property located at 436 Askin Ave in accordance with Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act; and,