the initiative included the City of Windsor, Fujisawa, Japan, Gunsan, South Korea, Changchun, China, Mannheim, Germany, Lublin, Poland and Saltillo, Mexico. Greetings were also provided by the Mayors of Fujisawa, Gunsan, Mannheim, City of Windsor (by Councillor Francis for Mayor Dilkens) and the Deputy Mayor of Lublin.

S. Gebauer indicates that following the meeting, the Virtual Children’s Art Exhibit link will be sent to the Twin Cities; will be shared through the City of Windsor’s social media including the Mayor’s Office social media. She adds the Communications Department will be sending out a Media Release.

Moved by J. Barycki, seconded by Councillor Kaschak,

That the Virtual Children’s Art Exchange initiative BE APPROVED and be made available to the public.

4.4 International Relations Committee 2021 Operating Budget

The Chair states that the annual Operating Budget for the IRC Committee is $15,000. Currently the balance of the 2020 operating budget is at $41,843.42 which includes the $5,000 commitment to the You and Me Sculpture project. He adds the IRC Committee will request $15,000 from City Council for 2021.

Moved by J. Barycki, seconded by D. Ableser,

That the update regarding the International Relations Committee 2021 Budget request BE RECEIVED.

4.5 Twin Cities with the Corporation of the City of Windsor

Moved by R. Haidar, seconded by M. Belenkova,

That the “Twin Cities with the Corporation of the City of Windsor” document BE RECEIVED.

4.6 Twin City Posts

The Chair reports that the Twin City Post will be placed in the Civic Esplanade.

A rendering of the Twin City Post is attached as Appendix “A”.

The members review the renderings of the Twin City Post and the following comments are provided: