Councillor Kaschak indicates that the location of the Twin City Post will be most likely decided by the New City Hall Plaza and Esplanade Project Steering Committee.

Moved by D. Ableser, seconded by R. Haidar,

That the rendering of the Twin City Post provided by the Parks Department BE RECEIVED; that Administration from the Parks Department BE REQUESTED to provide options for possible locations for the Twin City Post and the final design, and further, that APPROVAL BE GIVEN to an upset limit of $14,000 in principle for the creation and installation of the Twin City Post.

4.7 Cross Border Cooperation Congress Lublin 2020

Background information relating to the Cross Border Cooperation Congress Lublin 2020 is attached as Appendix “B”.

S. Gebauer reports that the Cross Border Cooperation Congress Lublin 2020 will be held from October 6-9, 2020. She adds that if any members are interested in participating in any of the sessions to contact her. There is no charge associated with this and there is a maximum of 25 people per session.

J. Barycki states that the sessions will be held Lublin time which translates to a 4:00 a.m. session.

L.T. Zhao asks if the sessions will be recorded. S. Gebauer advises she will look into this matter and report back.

5. Communications

Moved by Councillor Costante, seconded by S. Spagnuolo,

That Item 5.1 - Letter from Mayor Dilkens to Mayor Zuk, Lublin, Poland regarding the 20th anniversary of the twinning partnership between the City of Windsor and Lublin and Item 5.2 regarding the letter from Mayor Zuk, Lublin to Mayor Dilkens regarding the 20th anniversary of the partnership BE RECEIVED.

Moved by Councillor Kaschak, seconded by R. Haidar,