local police or coroner must be contacted to determine whether or not the skeletal remains are human, and whether the remains constitute a part of a crime scene. The Local police or coroner will then notify the Ontario Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries and the Registrar at the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services if needed, and notification and satisfactory confirmation be given by the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries.


Windsor Planning & Building Department:

519-255-6543 x6179, planningdept@citywindsor.ca

Windsor Manager of Cultural Affairs:

Cathy Masterson, 519-253-2300x2724, cmasterson@citywindsor.ca

Ontario Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries

Archaeology Programs Unit, 1-416-212-8886, Archaeology@ontario.ca

Windsor Police: 911

Ontario Ministry of Government & Consumer Services

Registrar of Burial Sites, War Graves, Abandoned Cemeteries and Cemetery Closures, 1-

416-212-7499, nancy.watkins@ontario.ca

LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT – Stefan Fediuk, June 30, 2020

Pursuant to the application for a zoning amendment (Z 011/20) to permit mixed use development similar to CD1.12 on the subject, please note no objections. Please also note the following comments:

Zoning Provisions for Parking Setback:

There are no parkland implications beyond the usual requirement for cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication as directed by the Planning Act and Bill 108. Detailed landscape requirements will be provided at the time of site plan review.

POLLUTION CONTROL – Karina Richters, October 22, 2020

Pursuant to the application for a zoning amendment (Z 011/20) to permit mixed use development similar to CD1.12 on the subject, please note no objections. Please also note the following comments for consideration as requirements:

Stormwater Management :

Stormwater from this site will drain towards the Southwood Lakes Ponds and as such consideration should be given towards both quality and quantity of stormwater runoff.

As per PPS 2020 Section e) maximize the extent and function of vegetative and pervious surfaces; and f) promote stormwater management best practices, including stormwater attenuation and reuse, water conservation and efficiency, and low impact development.

Future landscaping features should give consideration that fertilizer use is not recommended in the Southwood Lakes Drainage Area.