Low Impact Design should be considered during Site Plan Review to address quantity and quality of stormwater leaving the site.

Energy Conservation, Air Quality and Climate Change:

PPS 2020 encourages mixed-use developments that incorporates compatible employment uses to support livable and resilient communities. In addition, PPS 2020 includes “promote design and orientation which maximizes energy efficiency and conservation, and considers the mitigating effects of vegetation and green infrastructure” (Section 1.8.1 Section f). The development should consider energy efficiency in the design. To promote the use of active transportation, bike rakes should be included.

TRANSIT WINDSOR – Jason Scott, June 18, 2020 

Transit Windsor has no objections to this. We currently have our Walkerville 8 providing direct service to this property with a bus stop located on North Talbot at Sixth Concession NE Corner.

This will change to a local route with our Council approved Transit Master Plan and the route would be on Sixth Concession and Southwood Lakes and no longer on North Talbot. Direct service would still be provided and a bus stop would be established on Sixth Concession at North Talbot NE Corner.


We have reviewed the transportation impact study report for the above-noted application (“Tosin Bello 1090 North Talbot Road Traffic Impact Study” dated September 29, 2019, by Mike Walters of Dillon Consulting Limited). Our comments are below. 

Overall, the report establishes that the traffic impacts of the proposed development can be accommodated by the existing surrounding road network without off-site improvements. This report is also sufficient for the site plan control application for the proposed development, unless the proposed development size or site access configuration at the site plan control stage differs significantly from the conceptual site plan provided in the report.

WINDSOR FIRE & RESCUE SERVICES – John Lee, June 25, 2020

No concerns.

CANADA POST - Bruno DeSando, June 25, 2020