Recommendation III is to confirm that the two properties which were previously approved by Council for demolition of the buildings, would be retained as properties on the Heritage Register, but only for recognition limited to the reinstalled heritage wall structures.

The original building was listed as:

Google Streetview 2014

In 2014, Council approved the request to demolish St Bernard School at 1847 Meldrum School provided that the existing façade be incorporated into the exterior façade of the new school. Site Plan Approval process provided the ability to require the documentation and monitoring of the deconstruction, and specifications for the reconstruction. New brick was used however followed the pattern, coursing, and size to match existing, while many of the limestone pieces were salvaged and reinstalled. The heritage wall were reconstructed to measured drawings and specifications, and now serves as an interesting feature of the new St. Teresa of Calcutta Catholic School Building. The heritage register listing will be updated as below to match current location and description.

The heritage register listing is to be limited to the reinstalled heritage wall sections.