1. feasible having regard to the other provisions of this Plan, provincial legislation, policies and appropriate guidelines and support studies for uses:

    1. within or adjacent to any area identified on Schedule C: Development Constraint Areas and described in the Environment chapter of this Plan;

    2. adjacent to sources of nuisance, such as noise, odour, vibration and dust;

    3. within a site of potential or known contamination;

    4. where traffic generation and distribution is a provincial or municipal concern; and

    5. adjacent to heritage resources.

  2. in keeping with the goals, objectives and policies of any secondary plan or guideline plan affecting the surrounding area;

  3. capable of being provided with full municipal services and emergency services; and

  4. in keeping with the subdivision, consent and/or condominium policies of this Plan (see Tools chapter).


  1. persons employed in the home based occupation are limited to residents of the dwelling unit from which the home based occupation is conducted;

  2. there are no visible changes to the residential character of the building;

  3. the home based occupation is incidental and secondary to the residential use;

  4. outside storage and display is prohibited, and exterior signage is restricted;

  5. the home based occupation is compatible with abutting and/or adjacent dwelling units with respect to traffic generation and parking and potential nuisances such as noise and odour; and