Schedule    1


WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to further amend By-law Number 8600 of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Windsor, cited as the "Windsor Core Area Zoning By-law" passed the 31st day of March 1986, as heretofore amended: 

THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the City of Windsor enacts as follows: 

1. By-law Number 8600 is further amended by changing the District Maps or parts thereof referred to in Section 3, of the said by-law and made a part thereof, so that the zoning district symbol of the lands therein and hereinafter described shall be changed from that shown in Column 5 hereof to that shown in Column 6 hereof: 

1. Item Number  2. Zoning District Map Part 3. Lands Affected 4.  Official Plan Amendment Number 5. Zoning Symbol  6. New Zoning Symbol  
1 13 Part Lot 12, Concession 5  (North Side of North Talbot Road east side of Sixth Concession Road) as shown delineated by a heavy black line on Schedule 'A', attached hereto  -- H-RD1.4 CD1.12
2 13  Part Lot 12, Concession 5 (North Side of North Talbot  Road west side of Pioneer Road) as shown delineated by a heavy black line on Schedule 'A', attached hereto  -- H-RD1.4 RD1.1

2. By-law Number 8600 is further amended by adding to Section 14 CD1 of the said by-law a new subsection (12) CD1.12 to read as follows: