City of Windsor – Transport Terminal Land Use Study – 2020 November 16

Development Strategy (Chapter 3)

The vision (3.1) of Windsor’s future is taken from the City of Windsor Strategic Plan:

“Windsor is a quality city full of history and potential, with a diverse culture, a durable economy, and a healthy environment where citizens share a strong sense of belonging and a collective pride of place.”

The growth concept in Section 3.2 accommodates projected growth through “practical and efficient land use management strategies that promote a compact pattern of development and balanced transportation system.” Further, “compatible residential, commercial and employment growth will be directed to appropriate locations … to reduce development and infrastructure costs and provide opportunities to live, work and shop in close proximity.”

Applicable goals of Chapter 4 – Healthy Community include a high quality of life, economic opportunities throughout the city, a safe environment, and a decision-making process that that balances environmental, economic, and social considerations.

Environment (Chapter 5)

The goals, objectives, and policies in Chapter 5 – Environment that apply to Transportation Terminals include: development that is compatible with environmental functions and features (5.1.4), the reduction of pollution (5.1.5), integration of environmental, social, and economic considerations in growth and development matters (, improve atmospheric air quality through the planning process (, and locating compatible residential, commercial and employment uses in a manner that reduces distance and vehicle trips as outlined in the Land Use chapter of this Plan (

Chapter 5 also provides policy direction on noise and vibration in Section 5.4.5. Specifically, Section requires the proponent of development that may be a source of noise to evaluate the potential negative impacts of such noise existing and future land uses. The City shall have regard to provincial legislation, policies, and appropriate guidelines regarding noise. A noise study may be required ( Abatement measures may include increased setbacks from the noise source, sound barriers such as berms, walls, or buildings, and any other appropriate attenuation or mitigation measures identified in a noise study (,

Land Use (Chapter 6)

Chapter 6 – Land Use notes that the retention and expansion of Windsor’s employment base as a goal (6.1.4). The objectives of employment lands include creating positive business environment (, expanding the assessment base by attracting employers and economic development (, ensuring compatible development (, providing a full range of employment uses (, ensuring that employment uses have sufficient and convenient access to all modes of transportation (, maintaining and developing viable industrial areas (, and promoting comprehensively planned employment areas (

Applicable general polices for employment areas include attracting businesses to Windsor (, planning and developing Industrial areas (, and making all industrial development subject to site plan control (

The OP notes that the Industrial land use designation (6.4.3):

“…provides for a broad range of industrial uses which, because of their physical and operational characteristics, are more appropriately clustered together and separated from sensitive land uses. This designation is also applied to certain older industrial areas of Windsor where such a separation may not have been achieved.”