City of Windsor – Transport Terminal Land Use Study – 2020 November 16

Section classifies a use Industrial if it exhibits any of or all the characteristics listed below:

A Transport Terminal is a multi-modal transportation facility and often include service and repair facilities. They often require a large site to accommodate and store tractor-trailers outdoors. Truck movements are frequent or continuous and may involve long hours of operations. There is a likelihood of noise and dust. A Transport Terminal is an Industrial use that exhibits many of these characteristics.

The location characteristics ( of industrial development include sufficient separation or buffering from sensitive land uses, access to an arterial road, provision of full municipal services, industrial traffic can be directed away from residential areas, and there is access to designated truck routes.

The evaluation criteria ( state that industrial development shall demonstrate feasibility where traffic generation and distribution is a provincial or municipal concern or if located adjacent to sensitive land uses or heritage resources, shall be capable of being provided with full municipal physical services and emergency services, shall be provided with adequate off-street parking, and shall be compatible with the surrounding area in terms of siting, orientation, setbacks, parking and landscaped areas.

The design guidelines ( for industrial development shall consider the provision of appropriate landscaping or other buffers to enhance all parking, outdoor loading, storage, and service areas, and the separation between the industrial use and adjacent sensitive uses, where appropriate, discourage the use of industry related traffic from using local roads where other options are available, provision of pedestrian and cycling access that is distinguishable from the access provided to motorized vehicles and is safe and convenient, provision of loading bays and service areas that avoid conflict between pedestrian circulation, service vehicles, and movement along the public right-of-way, and the retention and integration of existing woodlots, vegetation and drainage corridors where feasible to provide amenity areas for employees and to create a positive visual image of industry in Windsor.

Infrastructure (Chapter 7)

The provision of proper infrastructure provides a safe, healthy, and efficient living environment. To accommodate the transportation needs in Windsor, infrastructure is to be provided in a sustainable, orderly, and coordinated fashion. Applicable Infrastructure goals include: