APPENDIX C – Zoning By-law 8600 Excerpts


BUILDING means a structure, consisting of a wall, roof and floor, or any one or more of them, or a structural system serving the function thereof, including all the works, fixtures and service systems appurtenant thereto, but does not include the following: access area, collector aisle, driveway, parking aisle or parking space not in a parking garage; fence; patio; sign as defined by the Windsor Sign By-law.

ACCESSORY BUILDING means a completely detached building used for an accessory use of the lot, for one dwelling unit where permitted by Section 5.99.80, or for any combination thereof.

MAIN BUILDING means a building used for the main use of the lot and may also include in combination therewith an accessory use subject to any applicable provisions for an accessory use.

BUSINESS OFFICE means an office of any one or more of the following: commercial business; financial services including a bank, credit union, payday lender, savings and loan office and trust company; government; industrial business; non-profit or charitable organization; professional person. A financial office is a business office.A medical office or veterinary office is not a business office.

EQUIPMENT RENTAL SHOP means premises used for the lease, rental, or sale of construction, commercial, industrial and residential equipment, machinery or tools to the general public and includes, in combination with, the maintenance, repair and service of said equipment, machinery or tools. It does not include the sale, lease, or rental of an automobile. A machinery, tool or equipment rental agency is an equipment rental shop. An automobile sales lot, motor vehicle dealership or repair shop - heavy is not an equipment rental shop.

EXISTING means a building, lot, premises, structure, or use lawfully existing on July 22, 2002, unless otherwise provided by this by-law.

FLOOR AREA means the area of a floor in a building.

GROSS FLOOR AREA means the total combined floor area in square metres of all buildings on a lot, excluding the cellar of any building, measured from the outside face of the exterior walls of each building.

GROUND means the average elevation of the ground within 3.0 m of the main building on the lot.

HIGHWAY means all allowances for roads made by the Crown surveyors, all highways laid out or established under the authority of any statute, all roads on which public money has been expended for opening them or on which statute labour has been usually performed, all roads dedicated by the owner of the lands to public use, and all alterations and deviations of and all bridges over such allowances

ALLEY means a highway having a maximum right-of-way width of less than 7.0 m.

STREET means a highway having a minimum right-of-way width of 7.0 m.

LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE means an area open to the sky and maintained with one or more of the following ground covers: bark; flowers; grass; mulch; ornamental stone, block or brick, excluding construction grade aggregate; shrubs; trees; water feature; wood chips; and may include outdoor recreational facilities accessory to a dwelling or dwelling unit.