City of Windsor – Transport Terminal Land Use Study – 2020 November 16

LOADING SPACE means an area used for the temporary parking of a motor vehicle while goods are loaded thereon or unloaded therefrom.

LOT means a contiguous parcel of land under one ownership, the boundaries of which are on record in the Land Registry Office of the County of Essex (No. 12) in the Registry or Land Titles Division.

CORNER LOT means a lot situated at the intersection of and abutting upon two or more streets, provided that the angle of intersection of at least two of the intersecting streets is not more than 135.0 degrees.

INTERIOR LOT means a lot other than a corner lot.

THROUGH LOT means an interior lot or a corner lot having both a front lot line and an exterior rear lot line.

LOT AREA means the total land area in square metres, as measured along a horizontal plane, within the lot lines of a lot, excluding any part of a lot permanently covered by water.

LOT DEPTH means the average horizontal distance in metres between the front lot line and the rear lot line. Where a lot has an irregular shape, lot depth is calculated by dividing the lot area by the lot frontage.

LOT FRONTAGE means the distance in metres measured on a horizontal plane between the side lot lines, such distance being measured at a right angle to the line joining the middle of the front lot line with either the middle of the rear lot line or the apex of the triangle formed by the side lot lines, and at a point thereon 6.0 m distance from the front lot line. 

LOT LINE means the boundary of a lot.

EXTERIOR LOT LINE means a lot line which parallels and abuts a street.

FRONT LOT LINE means the shortest exterior lot line. On a corner lot, where the front lot line curves to meet an exterior side lot line, for the purpose of the determination of length in metres, the front lot line shall be determined to extend to the mid-point on the curve where the front lot line and side lot line meet.

INTERIOR LOT LINE means a lot line which does not parallel and abut a street.

REAR LOT LINE means the exterior lot line or interior lot line which is farthest from the front lot line. On a corner lot, where the rear lot line curves to meet an exterior side lot line, for the purpose of the determination of length in metres, the rear lot line shall be determined to extend to the mid-point on the curve where the rear lot line and side lot line meet.

SIDE LOT LINE means any exterior lot line or interior lot line other than a front lot line or a rear lot line.

LOT WIDTH means the perpendicular distance in metres between the side lot lines. Where the side lot lines are not parallel, the lot width shall be the average distance in metres between the side lot lines.

MOTOR VEHICLE means vehicle propelled, driven, or pulled by other than muscular power. It does not include a power-assisted bicycle as defined in the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8.or a train.

AUTOMOBILE means a motor vehicle having a maximum gross weight of 3,000.0 kg. It does not include a bus, combination truck or vehicle of the tractor trailer or semi-trailer type, construction equipment, or farm tractor, or any other motorized farm implement.

TRANSPORT TRAILER means a trailer or a semi-trailer as defined in the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8. A tractor trailer or truck trailer is a transport trailer. A cabin trailer, camping trailer, house trailer, mobile home, recreational vehicle, tent trailer or travel trailer is not a transport trailer.

TRANSPORT TRUCK means a motor vehicle used to pull a transport trailer and includes the tractor unit of a tractor-trailer combination or a semi-trailer truck or semi-tractor unit of semi-trailer combination. A truck tractor is a transport truck.

OFFICE means a building where any one or more of the following services are provided: business is transacted; administrative, clerical, or professional services are performed.

PARKING AREA means an area used for parking spaces, bicycle parking spaces and loading spaces and includes all collector aisles and parking aisles. A loading compound, outdoor storage yard, or transport storage area is not a parking area.