Parks demonstrating the soil and groundwater conditions meet the applicable standards for portions of the site that will contain residential use.

Official Plan

The subject property is located within the RiverWest Planning District and is designated Mixed Use on Schedule D: Land Use of the City of Windsor Official Plan. Section 24 (1) of the Planning Act requires that any by-law passed by a municipal Council must conform with the Official Plan.

Relevant policies from the Official Plan are attached as Appendix E. The following is an analysis regarding conformity with the Official Plan.

Chapter 3: Development Strategy

The growth concept outlined in Chapter 3 of the Official Plan echoes the PPS with respect to planning for compact and mixed-use neighbourhoods. Official Plan Policies and reinforce the importance of walkable neighbourhood centres and importance of retaining distinctive character within existing neighbourhoods. The proposed mixed-use redevelopment of the former SW&A Street Railway facility will enhance the University Avenue West corridor and take advantage of existing and planned transit and active transportation facilities.

Chapter 4: Healthy Community

Chapter 4 promotes active, livable, and resilient neighbourhoods that adapt to changing resident needs. This can be achieved by planning for a mix of uses, housing types, and services that allow residents to remain in their neighbourhoods as they age. Design should encourage social interaction and reduce environmental impacts. The proposed development conforms with this policy direction as it would add to the range of multiple dwelling units available within the surrounding area.

Chapter 5: Environment

Chapter 5 requires development to evaluate potential impacts of adjacent sources of noise and vibration, which is addressed in the recommendations of this report. Chapter 5 also contains policies requiring the documentation of previous land uses ( and the mandatory filing of a Record of Site Condition (RSC) where a change to a more sensitive land use is proposed ( The applicant is planning to remediate the portion of the site planned for residential use and file a Record of Site Condition with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks demonstrating the soil and groundwater conditions meet the applicable standards.